Who we are
For nearly 60 years, Fulton County Christian Music Ministries has given churches and groups an amazing opportunity to share their talents while lifting up the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Join us again this year in the Gospel Building just east of the Junior Fair Building, as we are led in worship by both local and national talents.
History of the Gospel Tent
1966- Present
The Fulton County Christian Music Ministry traces its roots back to the WPOS Christian radio station broadcasting from the Fulton County Fair. The radio station’s first broadcast from the Gospel Tent was September 1966. They were pretty discouraged and asked the Lord to let them know if He wanted the ministry to continue.
Late in the afternoon on the first Saturday of the broadcast, the lady who ran the concession stand across from the Gospel Tent came over to Ray Turkington and Lowell Yoder. She appreciated hearing the music. She told them she did not understand what they were singing. As they shared their faith, she accepted Christ as her Personal Savior.
The following day, Sunday at noon, there was a ruckus at the concession stand. The rescue unit came and found the lady dead on the ground. The Lord had given His answer for the ministry to continue. One person really matters to God.
The radio station continued broadcasting from the fair for more than 25 years and then turned the ministry over to area churches. The churches then developed a board to direct the ministry. The name has charged from the Gospel Music Tent to the Fulton County Christian Music Ministries because performers come from all over the area to share their faith by singing all types of Christian music.
Along with the change in name, FCCMM has had a change in housing. During its history, the Gospel Tent was moved to several different locations on the fairgrounds. In 2015, after five years of planning, fundraising, and much prayer, FCCMM moved into the newly constructed Eunice Tedrow Gospel Building. FCCMM finally has a permanent home.
Today the FCCMM is pleased to have board members from throughout the region helping to plan a full week of Christian groups ministering from throughout the area. This includes a Saturday evening mass, a Sunday morning worship service, a Sunday evening concert, and a Monday evening concert with a nationally known artist. The Lord has increased the ministry to where it stands today. 2025 promises to be a remarkable year!
Donate to FCCMM
Mission Statement:
To lift up the name of our Savior Jesus Christ through music, specifically at the Fulton County Fair in Wauseon, Ohio.
Each year at the Fulton County Fair, Fulton County Christian Music Ministries (FCCMM) hires nationally known and local musicians for three concerts; two on Sunday and one on Monday evening. Various other volunteer performances are scheduled every day.
Your donation to Fulton County Music Ministries can be directed to any one of the following areas:
general support of paid performances by both nationally known and local musicians
general fund office costs: mailings, advertisement, printing costs, etc
underwrite the cost of any single day of ministry ($250)
Please make checks out to FCCMM and send to:
The FCCMM would like to thank you for your donation.
**We are not a 501C3 organization.
**Financial statements and budget available upon request.
Contact Us
Interested in finding out more or playing at the Fair Gospel Building? Fill out the form and send it to us